32 research outputs found

    A comparison of non-negative matrix underapproximation methods for the decomposition of magnetic resonance spectroscopy data from human brain tumors

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABMagnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is an MR technique that provides information about the biochemistry of tissues in a noninvasive way. MRS has been widely used for the study of brain tumors, both preoperatively and during follow-up. In this study, we investigated the performance of a range of variants of unsupervised matrix factorization methods of the non-negative matrix underapproximation (NMU) family, namely, sparse NMU, global NMU, and recursive NMU, and compared them with convex non-negative matrix factorization (C-NMF), which has previously shown a good performance on brain tumor diagnostic support problems using MRS data. The purpose of the investigation was 2-fold: first, to ascertain the differences among the sources extracted by these methods; and second, to compare the influence of each method in the diagnostic accuracy of the classification of brain tumors, using them as feature extractors. We discovered that, first, NMU variants found meaningful sources in terms of biological interpretability, but representing parts of the spectrum, in contrast to C-NMF; and second, that NMU methods achieved better classification accuracy than C-NMF for the classification tasks when one class was not meningioma

    Immune system-related changes in preclinical GL261 glioblastoma under TMZ treatment : Explaining MRSI-based nosological imaging findings with RT-PCR analyses

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    Altres ajuts: Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red-Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN [http://www.ciber-bbn.es/en, accessed on 18 March 2021], CB06/01/0010). UAB Predoctoral training programme (14ª Convocatoria PIF-19612, predoctoral fellowships for P.C.-P.). 2018 XARDI 00016/IU68-013944 (XarTEC SALUT).Glioblastomas (GB) are brain tumours with poor prognosis even after aggressive therapy. Previous work suggests that magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) could act as a biomarker of efficient immune system attack onto GB, presenting oscillatory changes. Glioma-associated microglia/macrophages (GAMs) constitute the most abundant non-tumour cell type within the GB and can be polarised into anti-tumour (M1) or pro-tumour (M2) phenotypes. One of the mechanisms to mediate immunosuppression in brain tumours is the interaction between programmed cell death-1 ligand 1 (PD-L1) and programmed cell death-1 receptor (PD-1). We evaluated the subpopulations of GAMs in responding and control GB tumours to correlate PD-L1 expression to GAM polarisation in order to explain/validate MRSI-detected findings. Mice were evaluated by MRI/MRSI to assess the extent of response to treatment and with qPCR for GAMs M1 and M2 polarisation analyses. M1/M2 ratios and PD-L1 expression were higher in treated compared to control tumours. Furthermore, PD-L1 expression was positively correlated with the M1/M2 ratio. The oscillatory change in the GAMs prevailing population could be one of the key causes for the differential MRSI-detected pattern, allowing this to act as immune system activity biomarker in future work

    Protein kinase CK2 content in GL261 mouse glioblastoma

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most prevalent and aggressive human glial tumour with a median survival of 14-15 months. Temozolomide (TMZ) is the standard chemotherapeutic choice for GBM treatment. Unfortunately, chemoresistence always ensues with concomitant tumour regrowth. Protein kinase CK2 (CK2) contributes to tumour development, proliferation, and suppression of apoptosis in cancer and it is overexpressed in human GBM. Targeting CK2 in GBM treatment may benefit patients. With this translational perspective in mind, we have studied the CK2 expression level by Western blot analysis in a preclinical model of GBM: GL261 cells growing orthotopically in C57BL/6 mice. The expression level of the CK2 catalytic subunit (CK2α) was higher in tumour (about 4-fold) and in contralateral brain parenchyma (more than 2-fold) than in normal brain parenchyma (p < 0.05). In contrast, no significant changes were found in CK2 regulatory subunit (CK2β) expression, suggesting an increased unbalance of CK2α/CK2β in GL261 tumours with respect to normal brain parenchyma, in agreement with a differential role of these two subunits in tumours

    Platinum-Based Nanoformulations for Glioblastoma Treatment : The Resurgence of Platinum Drugs?

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    Current therapies for treating Glioblastoma (GB), and brain tumours in general, are inefficient and represent numerous challenges. In addition to surgical resection, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are presently used as standards of care. However, treated patients still face a dismal prognosis with a median survival below 15-18 months. Temozolomide (TMZ) is the main chemotherapeutic agent administered; however, intrinsic or acquired resistance to TMZ contributes to the limited efficacy of this drug. To circumvent the current drawbacks in GB treatment, a large number of classical and non-classical platinum complexes have been prepared and tested for anticancer activity, especially platinum (IV)-based prodrugs. Platinum complexes, used as alkylating agents in the anticancer chemotherapy of some malignancies, are though often associated with severe systemic toxicity (i.e., neurotoxicity), especially after long-term treatments. The objective of the current developments is to produce novel nanoformulations with improved lipophilicity and passive diffusion, promoting intracellular accumulation, while reducing toxicity and optimizing the concomitant treatment of chemo-/radiotherapy. Moreover, the blood-brain barrier (BBB) prevents the access of the drugs to the brain and accumulation in tumour cells, so it represents a key challenge for GB management. The development of novel nanomedicines with the ability to (i) encapsulate Pt-based drugs and pro-drugs, (ii) cross the BBB, and (iii) specifically target cancer cells represents a promising approach to increase the therapeutic effect of the anticancer drugs and reduce undesired side effects. In this review, a critical discussion is presented concerning different families of nanoparticles able to encapsulate platinum anticancer drugs and their application for GB treatment, emphasizing their potential for increasing the effectiveness of platinum-based drugs

    Non-invasive grading of astrocytic tumours from the relative contents of myo-inositol and glycine measured by in vivo MRS

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    Altres ajuts: INTERPRET (EU-IST1999-10310). This work was also partially funded by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red - Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina, which is an initiative of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain) co-funded by EU FEDER funds.MRI and MRS are established methodologies for evaluating intracranial lesions. One MR spectral feature suggested for in vivo grading of astrocytic tumours is the apparent myo-Inositol (mI) intensity (ca 3.55ppm) at short echo times, although glycine (gly) may also contribute in vivo to this resonance. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the mI + gly contribution to the recorded spectral pattern in vivo and correlate it with in vitro data obtained from perchloric acid extraction of tumour biopsies. Patient spectra (n = 95) at 1.5T at short (20-31 ms) and long (135-136 ms) echo times were obtained from the INTERPRET MRS database (http://gabrmn.uab.es/interpretvalidateddb/). Phantom spectra were acquired with a comparable protocol. Spectra were automatically processed and the ratios of the (mI + gly) to Cr peak heights ((mI + gly)/Cr) calculated. Perchloric acid extracts of brain tumour biopsies were analysed by high-resolution NMR at 9.4T. The ratio (mI + gly)/Cr decreased significantly with astrocytic grade in vivo between low-grade astrocytoma (A2) and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). In vitro results displayed a somewhat different tendency, with anaplastic astrocytomas having significantly higher (mI + gly)/Cr than A2 and GBM. The discrepancy between in vivo and in vitro data suggests that the NMR visibility of glycine in glial brain tumours is restricted in vivo

    Metabolomics of Therapy Response in Preclinical Glioblastoma : a Multi-Slice MRSI-Based Volumetric Analysis for Noninvasive Assessment of Temozolomide Treatment

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common aggressive primary brain tumor in adults, with a short survival time even after aggressive therapy. Non-invasive surrogate biomarkers of therapy response may be relevant for improving patient survival. Previous work produced such biomarkers in preclinical GBM using semi-supervised source extraction and single-slice Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI). Nevertheless, GBMs are heterogeneous and single-slice studies could prevent obtaining relevant information. The purpose of this work was to evaluate whether a multi-slice MRSI approach, acquiring consecutive grids across the tumor, is feasible for preclinical models and may produce additional insight into therapy response. Nosological images were analyzed pixel-by-pixel and a relative responding volume, the Tumor Responding Index (TRI), was defined to quantify response. Heterogeneous response levels were observed and treated animals were ascribed to three arbitrary predefined groups: high response (HR, n = 2), TRI = 68.2 ± 2.8%, intermediate response (IR, n = 6), TRI = 41.1 ± 4.2% and low response (LR, n = 2), TRI = 13.4 ± 14.3%, producing therapy response categorization which had not been fully registered in single-slice studies. Results agreed with the multi-slice approach being feasible and producing an inverse correlation between TRI and Ki67 immunostaining. Additionally, ca. 7-day oscillations of TRI were observed, suggesting that host immune system activation in response to treatment could contribute to the responding patterns detected

    Comparativa de dues eines de software pel desenvolupament de classificadors d'espectroscòpia de ressonància magnètica nuclear de tumors cerebrals humans

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    En aquest treball s'ha fet una avaluació comparativa dels resultats que es poden obtenir amb el software SpectraClassifier 1.0 (SC) desenvolupat al nostre grup de recerca, comparant-lo amb l'SPSS, un programa estadístic informàtic estàndard, en un problema de classificació de tumors cerebrals humans amb dades d'espectroscòpia de ressonància magnètica de protó (1H-ERM). El interès d'aquesta avaluació comparativa radica en la documentació dels resultats obtinguts amb els dos sistemes quan en la correcció dels resultats obtinguts, així com ponderar la versatilitat i usabilitat dels dos paquets de software per a una aplicació concreta d'interès al treball del GABRMN. Per a aquest treball s'han utilitzat dades provinents de dos projecte europeus multicèntrics (INTERPRET i eTumour) en els quals vam participar. Les classes tumorals utilitzades (d'un total de 217 pacients) han sigut les majoritàries des del punt de vista epidemiològic: glioblastoma multiforme, metàstasi, astrocitomes de grau II, oligodendrogliomes de grau II, oligoastrocitomes de grau II i meningiomes de baix grau. Amb les dades d'aquests pacients s'han dissenyat classificadors basats en l'anàlisi discriminant lineal (LDA), s'han avaluat amb diferents mètodes matemàtics i s'han testat amb dades independents. Els resultats han estat satisfactoris, obtenint amb l'SC resultats més robusts amb dades independents respecte la classificació realitzada per l'SPSS

    Development of a transplantable glioma tumour model from genetically engineered mice : MRI/MRS/MRSI characterisation

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    The initial aim of this study was to generate a transplantable glial tumour model of low-intermediate grade by disaggregation of a spontaneous tumour mass from genetically engineered models (GEM). This should result in an increased tumour incidence in comparison to GEM animals. An anaplastic oligoastrocytoma (OA) tumour of World Health Organization (WHO) grade III was obtained from a female GEM mouse with the S100β-v-erbB/inK4a-Arf (+/−) genotype maintained in the C57BL/6 background. The tumour tissue was disaggregated; tumour cells from it were grown in aggregates and stereotactically injected into C57BL/6 mice. Tumour development was followed using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), while changes in the metabolomics pattern of the masses were evaluated by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy/Spectroscopic Imaging (MRS/MRSI). Final tumour grade was evaluated by histopathological analysis. The total number of tumours generated from GEM cells from disaggregated tumour (CDT) was 67 with up to 100 % penetrance, as compared to 16 % in the local GEM model, with an average survival time of 66 ± 55 days, up to 4.3-fold significantly higher than the standard GL261 glioblastoma (GBM) tumour model. Tumours produced by transplantation of cells freshly obtained from disaggregated GEM tumour were diagnosed as WHO grade III anaplastic oligodendroglioma (ODG) and OA, while tumours produced from a previously frozen sample were diagnosed as WHO grade IV GBM. We successfully grew CDT and generated tumours from a grade III GEM glial tumour. Freezing and cell culture protocols produced progression to grade IV GBM, which makes the developed transplantable model qualify as potential secondary GBM model in mice

    Development of robust discriminant equations for assessing subtypes of glioblastoma biopsies

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    In the preceding decade, various studies on glioblastoma (Gb) demonstrated that signatures obtained from gene expression microarrays correlate better with survival than with histopathological classification. However, there is not a universal consensus formula to predict patient survival. We developed a gene signature using the expression profile of 47 Gbs through an unsupervised procedure and two groups were obtained. Subsequent to a training procedure through leave-one-out cross-validation, we fitted a discriminant (linear discriminant analysis (LDA)) equation using the four most discriminant probesets. This was repeated for two other published signatures and the performance of LDA equations was evaluated on an independent test set, which contained status of IDH1 mutation, EGFR amplification, MGMT methylation and gene VEGF expression, among other clinical and molecular information. The unsupervised local signature was composed of 69 probesets and clearly defined two Gb groups, which would agree with primary and secondary Gbs. This hypothesis was confirmed by predicting cases from the independent data set using the equations developed by us. The high survival group predicted by equations based on our local and one of the published signatures contained a significantly higher percentage of cases displaying IDH1 mutation and non-amplification of EGFR. In contrast, only the equation based on the published signature showed in the poor survival group a significant high percentage of cases displaying a hypothesised methylation of MGMT gene promoter and overexpression of gene VEGF. We have produced a robust equation to confidently discriminate Gb subtypes based in the normalised expression level of only four genes

    Anti-PD-1 immunotherapy in preclinical GL261 glioblastoma : influence of therapeutic parameters and noninvasive response biomarker assessment with MRSI-based approaches

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    Altres ajuts: UAB Predoctoral training programme (14ª Convocatoria PIF-19612, predoctoral fellowships for P.C.-P.)Glioblastomas (GBs) are malignant brain tumours with poor prognosis even after aggressive therapy. Programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) immune checkpoint blockade is a promising strategy in many types of cancer, but its therapeutic effects in GB remain low and associated with immune infiltration. Previous work suggests that oscillations of magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI)-based response pattern with chemotherapy could act as a biomarker of efficient immune system attack onto GBs. The presence of such oscillations with other monotherapies such as anti-PD-1 would reinforce its monitoring potential. Here, we confirm that the oscillatory behaviour of the response biomarker is also detected in mice treated with anti PD-1 immunotherapy both in combination with temozolomide and as monotherapy. This indicates that the spectral pattern changes observed during therapy response are shared by different therapeutic strategies, provided the host immune system is elicited and able to productively attack tumour cells. Moreover, the participation of the immune system in response is also supported by the rate of cured animals observed with different therapeutic strategies (in the range of 50-100% depending on the treatment), which also held long-term immune memory against tumour cells re-challenge. Taken together, our findings open the way for a translational use of the MRSI-based biomarker in patient-tailored GB therapy, including immunotherapy, for which reliable non-invasive biomarkers are still missing